It was a foggy morning. As I awakened to the sound of my rooster crowing, I realized that it was yet day, but the fog hid the sun leaving the appearance that there were still more hours before sunlight. I was awake. As I sat up and peered out of the windows of my bedroom, I realized that the fog ruled the morning. Its’ presence hid the reality of the day, and so I rose to my feet, grabbed my camera and went out to see what I could see. Inquisitive! Drawn!
As I stepped outside, I was met with the cool, crisp, dampness of the morning. The thickness of the mist grabbed me, and I held on tight. Transfixed, I wanted time to stop. She, the day, was new. God had yet again granted me another day. I felt it. This day was special. But, everyday is special. Why? Well, because I didn’t do anything to deserve it. It was yet another gift from the hands of a magnanimous Creator. God, had me on Gods' mind this morning. So guess what I did, I danced in the fog! I commemorated this day, with my salutation of dance. This was my expression of thanks for the morning, for the gift, for the air, for the feeling of Autumn fastly approaching. I danced, no shame. God and I~ US-Ness. I was walking, no, dancing, in the clouds.
I kissed goodbye to my morning meditation, saddened as I walked back in-doors to prepare for the day.

As I traveled in to work I realized that next to being on a plane, or in the depth of my dreams, this may be as close to dancing in the clouds as I may get, atleast for now. So, I left a little early because I was looking for something.... inspiration maybe? I wanted to go back to the purity of the early morning. When everyone else was still asleep, and it was just God and I. Selfish?…. Maybe just a bit.
Traveling, my camera in my lap and a pen and pad within reach…anticipation and envisage was my mental state.
Then I began to ruminate on a scripture: Romans 12: 1
“I appeal to you therefore, by the mercies of God to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.”
I begin to speak…..
God today I’m open, listening, excitedly waiting on whatever, whoever you need to show me.. wherever it may be. My presentation to you God, is my surrender.
Student to the teacher. Created to the Creator. Clay to the Potter. Question to the Answer.
Follower to the Leader. Me, in purposed submission to my God!
Then God answered. Not audibly, but circumstantially. I went from wading through the fog, pressing towards the sunlight….the Son-light. Driving, not blindly but my vision, impaired... but the closer I got to the sun...... the closer I got to to Son, the more assurance I had that I was in the right place! Driving, moving, pressing, progressing. The windshield wipers on high speed.
Then the fog lifted!
I am grateful! I am being lead.
Sha'Leda Mirra, MS, MSW, LCSW, CAP, Ph.D. Candidate
Pastor, Wife, Mother, Mental Health Clinician, Author
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