We delight in the beauty of the butterfly but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty- Dr. Maya Angelou
We have often heard it said that, you see the glory, but you do not know my story. Well today, I challenge you to tell. Can you tell me? Tell a tale of the rudimentary intentionality it took for the fruit of your tree to bear all, fully exposed for the world to see. The morphing from the caterpillar of old, to the beautifully arrayed butterfly. Have you reached a destination that showeth forth the radiance of your fruit, or the coat of many colors that allows you to stand out from the crowd of mediocrity and commonality? Or are you still there, standing, pretending, like the cursed Fig Tree of Matthew 21:21. Beyond the leaves of your outer garments and raiments, can we see the fruitfulness from your life? Are you still searching for meaning, or do you feel you have arrived?
Life is about intentionality. Everything ever created was created intentionally, on purpose, and with a goal in mind. The conception of life, the earth, the separation of light from darkness, the waters from the land, the animals, and even mankind, were all created by an intentional God. We can look back to the beginning of creation and see this exemplified in Genesis 1. We can also see intention, through the countless other biblical examples such as the anointing of Kind David, the birth of Jesus, the death of Jesus, and the redemption plan for man. The reason that King Solomon posits that there is nothing new under the sun, is that God not only preordained life and existence, God also knew through the power of foresight what was going to happen, and thus God prepared a plan for that. It was with calculated intention, decision, and precision along with willful preparation, and invested commitment, that God created and keeps us, leading us to our final destination.
There is power in intention. Intention is that which is done purposely and deliberately. It is what is conceived and birthed, when we have not only thought through, but also planned for every possible scenario, expecting and outcome and counting the costs. It is calculated, intended, planned, studied, and pre-meditated. But what’s more, is that intention requires commitment. When we set an intention, understanding the costs and the benefits, we know and understand that this thing that we have birthed, requires our un-wavering and un-yielding devotion. Despite the hardships, let downs and disappointments, we must remember, we set this intention!
Before God created man, before God created you and I, God counted the costs. God also, yet remains committed to us, despite our daily shortcomings, despite our frailty, pride, and self-seeking ideologies. You were INTENTIONALLY created, knowing that there are times when you will make mistakes, lie, cheat, steal, and commit all sorts of evil. God could have destroyed us, as God did the fig tree long ago, but God’s faithfulness to us and God’s commitment to the intention, demonstrates God’s love, because God is a God that cannot lie. Jeremiah 1: 4-5 reads “The word of the Lord came to me saying, before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you as a prophet to the nations.” God intentionally pre-destines us, so it is imperative that we align with God asking God to number our days so that we may know the frailty and limited time we have for the mission.
Are you committed to the intention today? Are you committed to speaking things into your life, after you have counted the cost, with an intention to remain faithful to the intention you have set? Are you ready for order, the power of faith, and the manifestation of the supernatural and extraordinary? Below are four tips for developing more intention into your day,
Seek God and pray for God's vision and will for your life. Once you abandon your will, and surrender all to God, God will show you God’s vision for your life.Write the vision and make it plain. Those dreams and visions will resonate with your being once they are revealed. Write them down, pray over their manifestation, and allow your mind to feast on the roadmap that God gives you to achieve the vision. Set daily intentions that work toward the vision. Remember, intentions are pacts between you and God. You MUST make them a priority. Intentions don’t have to be big, they can be as simple as exercising, eating healthy, or getting rest. We must not compartmentalize God, but allow God’s presence to permeate every sector of our being and life.Exercise commitment and un-yielding dedication. When you plan your calendar, your intentions must be a priority. When you go throughout your day, your intentions must be a priority. Stop living by happenstance, and allow the intentionality of the Holy Spirit to manifest in your life.
An intentional life is a fruitful life. Allow the order and balance of God to show as your fruit this week, by being intentional in every way!
Sha’Leda Mirra- Author

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Credits: Maya Angelou
Holy Bible NIV